interactive-cd-9.jpgTestEdge® Interactive Learning Program 9-12+

Item # 5325      Price$49.95      $44.95


Bridging emotions and academics for student success
Overcome test anxiety and learning blocks. Understand how your emotions and attitudes are affecting your schoolwork. If test-taking or learning is stressing you, try TestEdge, heart-based education for emotional and academic success. A controlled study that included a range of high-performing to low-performing students found 75% had reduced anxiety after taking the TestEdge program. Students experienced less dread about taking tests and increased focus, comprehension and confidence during high-stakes tests. The TestEdge program includes five video lessons with actors and flash animations, interactive sessions and a review of key points.

What is Test Anxiety?
Test anxiety affects nearly everyone. Anxiety creates a kind of noise or mental static in the brain that blocks our ability to retrieve what’s stored in memory and greatly impairs our ability to comprehend and reason. In testing situations, this means we have trouble remembering facts and difficulty with questions that require thinking or problem-solving. A low score or failing a test doesn’t always mean a student hasn’t learned the material or doesn’t know how to think a problem through; often it means the student hasn’t learned how to deal with the anxiety caused by taking tests.

Why Heart-Based Education?
HeartMath research has identified a measurable physiological state that underlies optimal learning and performance. In this state, our emotions are calm and our brain, nervous system and other bodily systems function with increased synchronization and harmony. In simple terms, we’re highly in sync – physically, mentally and emotionally. In turn, this facilitates the higher cognitive processes critical for reasoning, creativity and focusing attention – all essential for effective learning, academic achievement and social success.

Scientific Validation:
A controlled study, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, found the TestEdge program was highly successful in reducing test anxiety in students who participated in it. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, says the key to understanding how anxiety inhibits cognitive and physical performance lies in understanding how emotions affect the rhythmic activity in the nervous system. Feelings like frustration, anger and anxiety cause the neural activity in the two branches of the autonomic nervous system to get out of sync. This in turn affects the synchronized activity in the brain, disrupting our ability to think clearly. In contrast, uplifting feelings such as appreciation lead to increased harmony and synchronization in the brain and nervous system and facilitate our ability to think clearly. TestEdge shows students how to use positive emotions to get in sync and stabilize the brain’s electrical activity. This results in “cortical facilitation,” which is associated with improved comprehension, memory recall and the ability to solve problems – all skills that produce positive test results.

You will learn three essential HeartMath tools

  • Neutral: Helps step back from situations and neutralize strong emotions.
  • Freeze-Frame®: Helps find new options and solutions.
  • Attitude Breathing®: Helps identify and shift unwanted attitudes.

The program includes:

    • 5 lessons/15 video segments with actors and flash animations.
    • Key points are reviewed after each segment.
    • 15 interactive sessions help internalize the TestEdge tools.
  • 12 optional lessons in pdf format that you can print or view for deeper understanding.

System requirements:
Win 98 – Vista, Mac OS9, Mac OSX
Processor: 1GHz +, disk space; 600MB memory 128MB +, audio 16-bit mono +, Video; XVGA +, CD-ROM

For site license pricing, contact us.